6th December was an online meeting. Our meeting theme was “Respective”. We had two prepared speeches and two prepared speech evaluations. We had an exciting round of Table Topics, and a good number of Members and Guests were able to participate in this. Members are growing in their capacity to take on roles, practicing leadership and management skills.
Back to in-person meetings
Our current strategy for each month, is to have one online meeting, and one in-person meeting. On Monday 15th November, we took our first step back to in-person meetings. Our word of the day was “Antithesis”, and the theme for our meeting was “Demanding”. We had two prepared speakers and two prepared speech evaluators. We also had ribbon awards for Table Topics, our impromptu speaking section.
Have you ever wondered how to be comfortable and confident at answering any question off-the-cuff? How do you talk about any subject even if you haven’t prepared for it? The answer is practice. And practice for just this type of situation is exactly what we do at Table Topics. Why not join us? Sign up to our next meeting.
About Accountability…
On the 1st of November, our online meeting theme was “Accountability”. We had two prepared speeches, entertaining us on “Collection of Moments” and “A Big Break”. Our Table Topics master stretched our comfort-zones, by skilfully conducting the Impromptu Speaking session. Participation in the meeting was, as usual, top-notch. As we all took “Accountability”, by either taking up speaking slots or facilitator roles.
An Inspiring Meeting
On the 18th of October, we had an inspiring meeting! The word of the day was “Inspiration”. And that’s exactly what it was. We had a total attendance of 14 members. We had two very moving and educational prepared speeches. An array of Table Topics. And if you haven’t heard, there’s something very special about the way we do Table Topics at Legacy Speakers Brixton. After each Table Topic speaker has made their speech, we then like to randomly choose someone to do the Evaluation for that Table Topic speech. It means everyone has to be attentive, because who knows, it could be you giving that Evaluation!
Be part of all the fun. Contact us and attend our next meeting.
At Legacy Speakers Brixton, on 4th October, our theme was “Find your why”. We all have our reasons for doing the things we do. We explored what this means for each of us. Some deep and meaningful thoughts. Some very touching life stories. Some light-hearted moments of comedy. It all made for a very inspiring and entertaining evening with friends. Learning and growing together.
If you have any questions about our club, or are interested in attending our next meeting to see what its all about, why not contact us?
We are growing
On the 20th of September, the theme of our Toastmasters meeting was “Growth”. This can mean a lot of different things. Perhaps your looking to grow in confidence, in your presentation skills. Perhaps your looking to grow in seniority your career. There are so many ways we can grow. Here at Toastmasters, we help each other to grow in public speaking and leadership skills. This changes the interactions you have with people, and the way you approach different situations. When you make these changes, opportunities appear, doors open. Legacy Speakers Brixton is such a supportive club. We can help you grow. Contact us, join a meeting, and find out more.